Energy clearing is vital if you want to achieve optimum wellbeing both personally and professionally. Everything is energy and energy affects every single thing you do from the moment you wake in the morning, right through your day and even when you are sleeping.
Energy clearing gives you the opportunity to clear your personal space from any unwanted emotions that you might have picked up or that have become attached to your space.
Do you find you remain calm and collected throughout the day or do your emotions alter?
This can be to do with people, or places you have encountered.
You might have had a phone call from a friend who is feeling depressed and is a little negative. Do you come off the call feeling great? Or do you find your emotions are erring on the side of negativity? If this happens, this is why you would clear your energy. What has happened is the emotions, thoughts your friend is having have become attached to your space and can start interacting with your own emotional state.
Do you feel great when you have gone to work? And do you remain feeling great all day? Or do you find your emotions go up and down depending on the people you have seen? Have you ever felt drained coming home from work? Feel you can’t wait to get home? And yet the tired, fatigued feeling follows you home, and with it an element of stress from the day. And this can hamper your evening, as even though you want to relax, there is that underlying current of stress rippling through you.
These are just some of the ways energy affects your system. Even though you might think you cannot see energy therefore it doesn’t affect you, energy affects everyone to varying degrees.
If you feel stress coming on, a feeling of being drained, someone’s emotions have affected you, this is all energy so you clear your energy to maintain a positive balance.
Clearing your energy is as important as taking a bath or shower regularly.
Next time you feel your emotions have thrown you off kilter, ask yourself are they your emotions or have you picked them up from someone?
Next time you feel drained have a look around to see who you have been with as some people subconsciously take other people’s energy.
A simple tip to clear your energy -
1. Imagine a shower above your head and a drain beneath your feet
2. Switch the shower on and imagine the water is the highest white light
3. Imagine it flows down clearing your space
4. Washing away any stress and negative emotions
5. As these flow down the drain, just imagine you are filling up with positive energy
Clearing your energy allows you to be positive and balanced daily.
If you want to achieve optimum positive wellbeing, join me on Clearing, Grounding & Protection Course – Maria Bowbanks, Spirit Wellbeing