I am sitting here at my desk thinking of all the things I have to do, and for those of you who do not know me, I have ADHD which is pretty well managed most of the time. But sometimes if I have allowed myself to not be completely grounded, my mind starts racing. I am already playing out in my head the feeling of if I do this, that will be done but before I have even reached to start that, I am already thinking about something else and should I do that first. And for those of you who might experience this, it can lead to feelings of being overwhelmed.
So, after a few moments of recognising my mind racing, my face lights up with a huge smile. I close my eyes and imagine I have lead weight boots on. This helps to earth me and bring me back into the present moment. Being mindful of my body, my mind feels quieter; it is no longer racing, and a feeling of clarity begins to descend in my thoughts and feelings.
I feel calm, centred and am now grounded.
Now as I look at the long list of things I have to do, I feel calm, my mind is no longer racing and I can put everything in order. I start by placing the things on my desk in an orderly fashion. I like order, it helps me function better and makes me feel happy.
And then I look at what I have to do in order of what needs to be done first, what is of absolute importance and I do this by following my intuition. Using the traffic light system, if I see red it can wait, and if I see green it needs to be done today.
My daily meditation, and three other things to do with work, are top of my list.
So, if you are asking why I think grounding is beneficial, well, it gives you clarity, clears your mind, helps you to be present in the moment, enables focus and can stop the feeling of being overwhelmed.
Grounding has many additional benefits to name a few, grounding develops confidence and inner strength too. The more you practice grounding the more present you will be, the more confident and calmer too.
There are many ways of grounding. Here is one way -
1.   Sit down and close your eyes.
2.   Imagine you have a pair of lead weight boots on your feet.
3.   Just know these boots feel heavy, and are anchoring you to the earth, earthing you.
4.   Imagine your body calming down, relaxing in the moment.
5.   Remember energy follows thought, so as you think of your body calming, that is what will start to take place.
6.   Sit for a few moments with this feeling within, feeling the heaviness in your feet and the mind begins to clear, as you ground.
'Clearing, grounding & protection are life skills'
If you would like to learn other ways to ground, and how to optimise positive energy, join me on the Clearing, Grounding & Protection Course - Maria Bowbanks Spirit Wellbeing